Kids Science Books – The Ultimate Guide
IĀ am so excited to share this post with you! I know I have done quite a few of these book posts now, but I think you are going to love this one!
We are going to be talking about science books! I have got some wonderful, fun, interesting, exciting amazing book ideas for you to share with your kids š
I have to admit that this is quite an eclectic mix of books – with some notable gaps! But we have always followed the children’s interests so the booksĀ tend to reflect our projects. If it is any consolation my son is studying Chemistry and Physics (at A’ level) so I guess we did something right.
So which ones did we love? Here is my ulitmate guide toĀ kids scienceĀ books.
Please note that the image links are affiliate links, which means if you buy I get a (very) small percentage of the sale. If you would prefer not to support this site in that way, just go to Amazon and search for the book yourself.
Let’s startĀ with ‘A’! Learning about the human body is a wonderful way to introduce children to science. And there are lots of fun books to help you do it.
My daughter loved the Usborne ‘Flip,Flap Body Book’ when she was young – I think the newer one is ‘See Inside Your Body’. I can’t remember if it had anything explicit in it but I do remember a section on how babies are made!
And yes, sorry. I Ā have sneaked in a few coloring books too! Be aware theseĀ are very detailed and not suitable for young children.
We did buyĀ one of those Chemistry sets you can get, and tried several experiments. Sigh. I am not sure it was a success š They either didn’t work very well or were spectacularly unspectacular! Perhaps it was just me. But we did learn a lot from books – especially about the periodic table (In fact, we did a whole project on it!).
Earth Sciences
I have been wanting to recommendĀ ‘Survive on a Desert Island’Ā for ages and so I bent the rules to add it here! It is fantastic for hands-on homeschooling. There are 12 exciting challenges for learning how to survive extreme desert island conditions. For example Day 2 is ‘How will you find water’. I am sure they are lots of science experiments you can do alongside the projects.
It feels like my children went through a stage where ‘nature’ meant ‘creepy crawly’ things to them! And so we collected a lot of books about keeping them! ‘Creepy Crawlies and the Scientific Method’ was a great book and has over 100 experiments. We couldn’t get hold of some of the bugs here in the UK, but I still think you will love this one.
I added the ‘Handbook of Nature Study’ here to remind you – but there are free copies available online if you google. And lots of unit studies, lapbooks and project ideas too. Worth a look.
And finally I need to talk to you about ‘Nature School’. Despite its off-putting title we got a lot out of this one. It has some really great projects Ā for younger children – I have added a picture of one page under the links so you can check it out.

An example project in Nature School by Mick Manning
Ā Space
The final frontier. Oh, wait. We are doing books š Oh, there are some really beautiful ones you can use with your children. If I am honest I never really got my children very interested in space except for the obligitory ‘making a rocket from toilet roll inserts’. They have even refused toĀ ever watched a Star Trek episode. But I did try. With these :
Science Labs and Experiments
Ok, so having said our chemistry experiments weren’t the greatest, I still have some books I wanted to recommend š
The first two are for older teens. Backyard Ballistics projects really areĀ erm, slightly dangerous š I can’t find my copy to give you an example (it is probably in my son’s bedroom-never-to-be-seen-again) but restĀ assured it is not for the faint hearted.
We don’t have Science School but if it is like Nature School it should be pretty good for younger children.
It seems a lot harder to find good books about scientists (compared to artists and inventors!).
‘The Time and Space of Uncle Albert’ is a nice read (good for a read aloud) and ‘S is for Scientists’ is a lovely introduction to an alphabet of scientists.
The ‘For Kids’ books I wasn’t too sure whether to recommend. They are VERY wordy, altough we did enjoy some of the activities. Take a ‘look inside’ for yourself on Amazon before you buy.
I have put a Richard Feinman book at the end for teenagers. He was a fascinating man and we enjoyed several of his books.
Science and Art
I recommended ‘The Art of Science in Art books. But it is one of those books that will get used over and over. I have reposted my photo of an example page below.
Keeping a Nature Journal – again, great. But I found it so beautiful it was a bit daunting. It did encourage us to keep nature journals for quite a few years but ours never looked like hers! And of course, we madeĀ a nature table.

The Art of Science – example page
Kids ScienceĀ Books
I know, this isĀ a weird mix of science books! But I am sure you will find something here to love š And if you do I would love to hear about it. Just leave me a comment or come visit my facebook page.