For Your Bookshelf!
I love books!
They have been the mainstay of our homeschooling even before the children could read. Best of all I love to find interesting and thought provoking books to add to my reading list, and the children’s.
So I am surprised to realize that I don’t really share many of my book finds on my website, and I decided it was time to change that. I thought an occasional post here in the blog is in order to list some of my favorites – the books that got pulled off my bookshelf time and time again over my years of homeschooling, or ones that have caught my attention and are on my list. The books I think are worthy of your attention!
They are an eclectic mix and I won’t post too many at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed. But I hope you will find something that will become one of your favorites too!
Disclosure : If you click on the Amazon links on this page then buy what I recommend, I get paid a small commission. Cool for me

The Preschooler’s Busy Book
The Preschooler’s Busy Book is one of the more dog-eared books I own! I used it over and over again when the children were small – and even now it is useful for looking up clay recipes and a rather nice chocolate cookie recipe!
It is packed with simple ideas to keep 3 to 6 year olds entertained. Mostly they are pretty simple ideas but much easier than searching the net when you are desperate to give them something to do!
I have the children’s (6 to 10 year old) version too, but didn’t find it as useful – I think because by then I was putting up my own ideas on homeschooling-ideas.

Maker Dad
Maker Dad looks like a great little book. Exactly the sort of thing that would spark off interesting projects with us. It is a shame the title seems to aim it at Dads, because the projects seem worth a look for everyone!
If you ‘look inside’ on Amazon you will see the first project – how to make an anti-gravity jar! Seems like it would be a good way to talk to your children about gravity, magnetism, and science fiction fantasy!
And if you like this type of book, then check out Geek Dad as well.

Teach your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
How to teach your child to read is one of the things I get asked about a lot! I started to use Teach your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons with my daughter and we got to about lesson 50. It is a good way to take a step by step approach but it is very much aimed at children who get on well with a phonic based system.
I am not necessarily recommending this! I think that children can teach themselves to read very effectively if you let them. But if you are worried and think you need ‘something’ to help you – then this is a very comprehensive step by step program.

How Children Succeed
This one is on my bedside table right now ready to read! Looks good.
The tagline is How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character

Doing the Days
Doing the Days is another of my all-time favorite, well used homeschooling books.
I reviewed it in Books for Homeschooling. We still mostly don’t use it for daily journaling prompts. But years later we still dip into it to see what has happened on that day – and it still provokes interesting conversation, project ideas and even *gasp* an idea for some writing/journaling.
This is one of the books I have been really pleased to have on hand during our years homeschooling. It has been an excellent way of getting us to think about new things, and try new ideas.
I hope that gives you something fun or interesting to add to your bookshelf.
What are your favorite books?