
Beyond Homeschooling – Starting a Conversation! — 6 Comments

  1. Good topic! I have a son soon to be 13. I always worry 🙂 He is not particularly academic but is very observant. He is not arty, but is very creative. It’s very hard to know what to do, except I do know I will keep h/schooling him. Will love to hear other responses.

    • Thanks for the comment Petra. Yes, my son is 14 now so we are going through the same thing again that we did with my daughter.

  2. My son is 16 and a junior in high school this year. This is our first year homeschooling. After going to a private Christian school K-8 and the public high school 9-10, he is very much used to a rigid academic based education. He is also very creative and loves to draw. My goal was to mix it up and do a blend of both. So we are doing math (pre-calculus), History (U.S. History) and Science (Physics) with a more traditional curriculum (Abeka DVDs), while English is a little more fun and allows him to express his creativity a bit more through writing (The One Year Novel), and Bible is more bible-based life skills – which I believe is SOOOOOO important for them to learn at this age (Dave Ramsey For Homeschoolers). For art I will let him explore on So far this is working well! He gets a little of both and its enough to keep him interested and exploring while still getting the college-expected academics done.

  3. I’ve “graduated” a now 19 year old and I just want to say that no matter how much you think about it, plan for it, worry about it etc., that it ends up not looking at all what you thought it was going to look like. Yes the adventure isn’t over yet but I think what WE think it will look like is never what it ends up to be. Life is funny like that. I think for teens what matters is a) they either know what they want to do – so get them doing that or b) they have no idea what they want to do and may not be ready mature wise to even want to investigate that. That is where my son is – he is working at a “regular ole job” until he figures that out. He has some ideas now but I don’t think it will be for another year or two until he wants to do something about it. So that is my two cents …. for now 😉 I have a 10 year old coming up that is going to be a totally different “story”…. See how life works HA HA!

    • Thanks for comment Lori 🙂 I think letting things flow can be really scary so must people just plump for doing qualifications ‘in case’. My daughter is b)! She doesn’t really know what she wants to do as yet. Am trying to keep the faith that it will come to her.