50 Kids Educational Coloring Books
Educational coloring books are a great tool to have in your homeschool toolkit!
Not only do they develop hand and eye coordination, but coloring activates the logic part of the brain, and generates a creative mindset.
My children have always loved coloring books (and still do!). Choosing educational coloring books to go with our homeschool project really made our unit study come alive – and was a fun way to help the children learn.
You can get coloring books to cover almost any topic! Use them alongside your normal studies, in your lapbooks or project displays, or just for some (educational) rainy day fun. My children always enjoyed coloring while I read to them.
When I am creating a unit study I always try to remember to check for a coloring book to compliment our studies. I wanted to inspire you to do the same and to make life easier for you here are 50 ideas to get you started (by subject).
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Yes, really! Coloring books can help your kids learn math. The coloring books can cover addition, subtraction, mulitplication, muliplication tables, and division. Remember to check out the recommended age for the book before you buy.
(Click on the images below to see some examples)
Science and Nature
Coloring is a great way to learn the periodic table or anatomy! Some of the science coloring books are aimed at older students or adults, so do check before you buy.
One review on Amazon said “Years ago my daughter and I took a college zoology class together. We asked for permission to use this coloring book instead of participating in class dissection. Permission was given and my daughter and I made the highest grades in the class.”
So this kind of learning really does work!
Although you can simply get your children to color in maps, there are so many more opportunites to learn geography through coloring. It is a great way to get a feel for different places and cultures. Here are some ideas.
There is a wealth of history coloring books available. If your child has a passion (such as cars, trains or fashion) then a historical version is a great way to help them know more about their subject.
Proud parent moment when we went to an art gallery and my kids knew several of the artists! All thanks to the several artist coloring books we had been using. Sometimes I got the children to color in a masterpiece ‘blind’ and then we compared their version to the original – and sometimes we tried to copy the original as closely as we could.
If you are reading fictional classics together then coloring books are a great activity to combine this with. We listened to a lot of audiobooks and it was fun to color along with the story. Here are some of our favorites.
Yes indeed! I was surprised too. But there are some language based color and learn books.
ABC and 123
Coloring isn’t just for older children – there are lots for tiny people too. I can’t personally recomend these ones as we didn’t have them – but I thought it would give you an idea of what is available.
And more!
There are hundreds of coloring books and this is just a taste! Here are a few more notable mentions that I didn’t want you to miss
Who knew there were so many educational coloring books! If you have a recomendation too, I would love to hear it. Just leave me a comment or come visit my facebook page.
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