
Goal-free Homeschooling — 7 Comments

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  2. I think I gravitate toward being goal-free but with a big ultimate goal. We do want our kids to go to college. But daily, monthly, yearly–our goal is to enjoy life and learning.

    • Sarah, that sounds like a good balance. A long term aspiration with enough space and freedom to enjoy the now. Thanks for the comment. Julie.

  3. This about sums up where I am at the moment….but I also agree with Tim-when we have goals we need to be flexible too-this is why I like the go with one idea for a while and then relax for a while….ebb and flow……funny I thought I wasn’t being a great home school mom because of this “style”-thanks for this post it’s helped me feel like it’s ok to go with our own flow!

  4. Like Sarah, we are more of a “big picture” kind of homeschooling family. I am shooting for raising competent, loving and joyful people who know how to solve problems, find information, and enjoy life learning. I’m not big on micro managing the process, but being open to the changes and challenges it brings. We have some big family goals, like exploring all 50 states in the next few years, but again, the details are open open.

  5. Purpose environment is inevitable – whether it’s to make a cup of tea or to get a yr off to see travel the globe, we are continually environment ambitions. It’s just a query of regardless of whether or not we are aware of the truth we are doing it. For illustration, the creator of ‘Goal Totally free Living’ couldn’t have acquired his e-book printed with no a degree of planning and future focused action!

  6. I don’t believe going goal free is an option. I do believe that if unexpected opportunities or ideas present themselves they should be acted upon. Thus creating a sidegoal that can equally lead to success as your main goal.